
Nicholas Allen
Director, Willson Center for Humanities and Arts
Franklin Professor of English
University of Georgia

Neal Alexander
Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature
English and Creative Writing
Aberystwyth University

Valerie Babb
Director, Institute for African American Studies
Franklin Professor of English
University of Georgia

Valentina Bold
Director, Solway Centre for Environment and Culture
Reader, School of Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Glasgow

David Borthwick
Lecturer in Literature, Director of Postgraduate Research
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Glasgow

John Brannigan
Editor, Irish University Review
Senior Lecturer, English
University College Dublin

Michael Brown
Chair in Irish, Scottish and Enlightenment Studies
Lecturer, Irish and Scottish History
University of Aberdeen

Terence Brown
Fellow Emeritus
Anglo-Irish Literature
Trinity College Dublin

Matthew Campbell
Professor of Modern Literature
Department of English and Related Literature
University of York

Margaret Cohen
Andrew B. Hammond Professor of French Language, Literature, and Civilization
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Comparative Literature
Stanford University

Lucy Collins
Lecturer in English
School of English, Drama and Film
University College Dublin

Claire Connolly
Head of School, English
Wales-Ireland Research Network
University College Cork

Damian Walford Davies
Head, School of English, Communication and Philosophy
Professor of English
Cardiff University

Crawford Gribben
Professor of Early Modern British History
School of History and Anthropology
Queen’s University Belfast

Nick Groom
Co-Directer of Exeter Centre for Literatures of Identity, Place, and Sustainability
Professor of English
University of Exeter

Margaret Harper
Acting Head of the School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication
Glucksman Chair in Contemporary Writing in English
University of Limerick

Geraldine Higgins
Associate Professor
Director of Irish Studies Program
Emory University

James Livesey
Professor of Global History
Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship
University of Dundee

Andrew McNeillie
Founder, Clutag Press
Professor of English
University of Exeter

Michael Morris
Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Sciences
School of Humanities and Social Science
Liverpool John Moores University

Lee Morrissey
Professor and Chair
Department of English
Clemson University

Brian O’Conchubhair
Associate Professor, Irish Language & Literature
Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies
University of Notre Dame

Peter O’Neill
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Literature
University of Georgia

Eve Patten
Head of the School of English
Co-Director M.Phil in Irish Writing
Trinity College Dublin

Nels Pearson
Associate Professor of English
Director, The Program in Irish Studies
Fairfield University

Frank Shovlin
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Irish Studies
University of Liverpool

Jos Smith
Co-Director of Exeter Centre for the Literature of Identity, Place, and Sustainability
Associate Research Fellow
University of Exeter

Fiona Stafford
Professor of English Language and Literature, CUF Lecturer and Tutorial Fellow
Faculty of English
University of Oxford

Nathan Suhr-Sytsma
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Emory University

David Wheatley
Senior Lecturer
School of Language and Literature
University of Aberdeen