Affiliate Organizations

Clutag Press

Clutag is a small independent press. It publishes poetry and memoir, and the magazine ARCHIPELAGO. It has a marked but not exclusive interest in the margins and the marginal, in nature and place, in the British and Irish Archipelago.

Clutag began in a very small way late in 2000, issuing hand-printed poetry leaflets. Then followed a series of pamphlets, notably by Geoffrey Hill, and by Seamus Heaney, John Fuller, Tom Paulin, Anne Stevenson, Mick Imlah and others. Some of these, along with Tim Dee, Douglas Dunn, James Macdonald Lockhart, Michael Longley, Robert Macfarlane, Les Murray, and the artist Norman Ackroyd have been regular contributors to ARCHIPELAGO.

Clutag has also published books – a memoir by Ian Niall, and a biography of Niall, as well as poetry collections by Geoffrey Hill and by Andrew Motion. We plan to continue with our book and pamphlet publishing and to bring out two issues a year of ARCHIPELAGO.

For more information contact:


Exeter Centre for Literatures of Identity, Place and Sustainability

The Exeter Centre for Literatures of Identity, Place and Sustainability (ECLIPSE) facilitates research into literary and cultural representations of identity, place and sustainability. Sitting within the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), the Centre seeks to ensure that research into environment and sustainability includes its significant social and cultural dimensions.

ECLIPSE’s focus is on how literature and language including discourses of myth, memory, and history relate to particular environments, whether natural or built. It seeks to develop a ‘cultural environmentalism’ for the 21st century.

Research at ECLIPSE embraces a range of cultural representations of identity and place, from the problems of humanistic engagements with climate change to examinations of international, national and regional issues of identity.

For more information contact:
Professor Nick Groom:
Dr. Jos Smith:


Fairfield University Program for Irish Studies

The Irish Studies Program explores various aspects of a culture which has produced the oldest vernacular literature in Europe, a rich tradition of Celtic art, and a devotion to scholarship which perhaps was crucial in saving Western civilization. As a nation, Ireland has had a long, turbulent and fascinating history. In the last century, Ireland has changed from a conservative, agricultural country to a modern, technologically aware one, from a colony of Great Britain to a free, democratic republic, and from one of the poorest nations in the world to a vital economy in the European Union.

For more information contact:
Dr. Nels Pearson:


Folding Landscapes

Folding Landscapes is a specialist publishing house and information resource centre dealing with three areas of particular interest and beauty around Galway Bay: the Aran Islands, the Burren and Connemara. Its main purpose is to publish Tim Robinson’s maps and some of his books. They inform the discriminating visitor about the region’s culture and landscapes, and nourish community spirit by identifying the irreplaceable uniqueness of local environment and history.

For more information contact:


Moore Institute

The Moore Institute promotes research and research-led teaching in the Humanities and Social Studies.  We combine technology and culture in innovative ways that enrich the lives of individuals and communities,  and we assist senior researchers in developing their research for the academic and public spheres and the cultural and creative industries. We engage in research that cuts across disciplines,  demanding creative thinking and dynamic interactions.

For more information contact:


Politics of Place:  A Journal for Postgraduates

Politics of Place is supported by ECLIPSE and an Editorial Board comprised of a range of academics from institutions across the country. The purpose of the journal is to provide space for postgraduate students to explore and share ideas concerning the relationship between culture and spatiality in works of literature. Through its engagement with issues of nationhood, community, class, marginality, and the self, the journal seeks to provide a forum for academic and contemporary political debate.

For more information contact:


Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies

The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen supports research and publications in Irish and Scottish studies, including Irish and Scottish diasporas, British/Irish political identities and issues of peripherality and nationhood. The Institute presents a wide variety of public events, lectures and conferences.

For more information contact:


 The Solway Centre

The Solway Centre brings together the study of environment and culture. Based at the University of Glasgow’s Dumfries Campus, the centre combines expertise in tourism, ecocriticism, heritage, cultural studies, ecology and environmental science.

Our research is focused around three themes: rural landscape management, sustainable rural tourism, and landscape, place and memory.

Objectives: generate high-quality research, returnable under the Research Excellence Framework, foster partnership research at all levels – locally, nationally and internationally, become a national centre for environmental art, and investigate and promote the distinct identity of South West Scotland.

For more information contact:


The Wales-Ireland Research Network

The Ireland–Wales Research Network aims to explore the creative, cultural, and political relationships between Wales and Ireland.

The Network, a partnership between Cardiff University, Aberystwyth University and University College Cork , aims to develop a deeper awareness of the overlapping, complex and connected histories of Wales and Ireland.

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council the Network was launched by the Consul General of Ireland in Wales on November 22nd, 2007, at a reception sponsored by the Government of Ireland. (For press coverage of the launch, see Cardiff University’s main News, BBC News and the Western Mail).

The Network is managed by Professor Claire Connolly (School of English, University College Cork), Professor Katie Gramich (Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy) and Dr Paul O’Leary (Department of History and Welsh History, University of Wales, Aberystwyth).

For an introduction to the comparative research being undertaken, see the special issue of Irish Studies Review, Volume 17 Issue 1 (Feb 2009). Claire Connolly and Katie Gramich’s Introduction to the special issue is available.

For more information contact:


The Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

The Willson Center is a constituent of the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Georgia, and is a member of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes. The mission of the Willson Center is to promote research and creativity in the humanities and arts. It supports faculty through research grants, lectures, symposia, publications, visiting scholars, visiting artists, collaborative instruction, public conferences, exhibitions and performances. It is committed to academic excellence and public impact.

For more information contact: